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Updated for 2025: Supplemental Peace Officer #1018 • TCOLE Basic Peace (Police) Officer Examination & Reactivation Test Preparation New Courses: Animal Crimes & Cruelty Investigations #3287 • Drone Pilot - UAS Part 107 Test Preparation • Hunter of Man • Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Training for Peace Officers #4204 • Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Training for Jailers #2831 • Analyzing Missing Persons Investigations #3276 • Texas License to Carry a Handgun
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Community Policing & Problem Solving online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Crime, disorder, and associated problems can be more effectively addressed in small geographical areas, such as an officer’s patrol area or beat. Studying the characteristics of problems in an area helps officers to apply resources and responses that can reduce and solve those problems. Individuals who commit crimes or civil violations often make choices based on opportunities presented by physical and social characteristics of their immediate area.
This course offers law enforcement officers tools to creatively solve problems by collaborating with community groups, who, by manipulating physical and social factors, create harder targets, which make it less likely for people to act offensively. You will also be exposed to problem-solving and solution-oriented policing, which bring together local authorities and people in the community in collaborative efforts to eliminate community problems in both real world and cyber communities.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider. Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S. Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements. For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks. See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing. Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.